Germania X

They observe auspices and the casting of lots as those who observe them most. The custom of lots is simple: They cut a cut-off branch of a fruit bearing tree into small pieces and scatter them with certain marks on top of a white cloth blindly and by chance. Soon, if a public matter is being consulted, the priest of the state, but if a private matter, the father of the family himself, having prayed to the god and the sky suspecting raises them three times one at a time, the second raised is interpreted from the runes impressed before. If they are prohibited, there is no consultation about the same matter on the same day; if permitted, trust is demanded thus far of the auspices. And indeed this is even noted here, to interpret the voices and flights of birds. Peculiar to the race, omens and warnings of horses are interpreted. They are nourished at public expense in the same woods and groves, white and touched by no mortal work; yoked to a sacred chariot, a priest and a king or chief of tribe accompanies and they observe the neighings and snortings. Nor is their greater faith in any auspice, not only among the commoners, but among nobles, and among priests; for they consider themselves ministers of the gods, and they know them. There is also another observation of auspices, by which the outcome of serious battles is examined. They match of that tribe with which the war is, a captive, intercepted any which way with a chosen of their own people, each one with ancestral arms; the victory of one or the other is accepted as prejudgment.

Germania XI

The chiefs consult about minor matters, everyone about greater matters, thus however, there is the presence of commoner witnesses in possession of those, it is carried out among the chiefs. They assemble, unless something accidental and sudden occurs, on certain days, when the moon is either new or full; for they believe this is the most auspicious beginning for things. They do not count the number of days as we do but the number of nights. Thus they make their appointments: Night seems to follow the day. This is a fault from their freedom, because they assemble not at the same time they are ordered, but another and even a third day is wasted by the delay of those assembling. As it pleases the crowd, they sit down armed. Silence is ordered by the priests, for whom there is then the right of coercion. Soon a king or chief, just as the age for each, just as the nobility for each, just as the glory of war for each, just as the eloquence for each, they are heard, from the authority of persuading more then the power of ordering. If the opinion displeases, they are rejected with growling; but if it pleases, they strike together their spear points. The most honorable type of agreement is to praise by arms.

Germania XII

It is permitted among the council to accuse and also to threaten capital punishment. The distinction of punishment is from the crime. They hang traitors and deserters from trees, they plunge cowards and the unwarlike and those guilty of sensual transgression in filth and swamp having thrown a basket on top. The diversity of punishment refers to that, although crimes ought to be shown, then punished, shameful crimes ought to be hidden. But there is also punishment according to this for lesser crimes. Those convicted are punished by a number of horses and cattle. Part of the multitude is given to the kings or state, part to he himself, who is avenged or to those near to him. Chiefs, who make laws through the country and villages, are chosen in the same councils. One hundred companions from the common people for each one are present as council and authority.

Germania XV

Whenever they are not going into war, they spend some time in hunting, more at leisure, having been given over to food and sleep, each of the most brave and most warlike doing nothing, care of the house and the home and the fields is assigned to women, old men, and the most infirm from each family; they themselves are sluggish, by the strange diversity of their nature the same men thus love idleness and hate quiet. It is a custom for the tribes to confer spontaneously and singularly to the chiefs either in matters of cattle or of grain, which accepted for honor even meets their needs. The delight especially in gifts from neighboring tribes, which are sent not only by individuals, but also by the public at large, select horses, great arms, and wrought bracelets. Now we also taught them to accept money.

Germania XVIII

Although marriage is strict here, nevertheless you would praise not any of their customs more. For almost alone of the barbarians they are content with single wives, with the exception of a select few, who not out of lust, but from nobility marry multiple wives. Not the wife offers the dowry to the husband, but the husband offers it to the wife. Parents and relatives are present and approve the gifts, gifts sought not for the purpose of womanly diversion nor that a new marriage is accompanied, but cattle and bridled horses and shields with spears and swords. In reference to these gifts, the wife is received, and in turn she herself brings something of arms to the man” They consider this to be the greatest bond these to be sacred secrets, those joined to the gods.

Germania XIX

Therefore with well-guarded modesty, they live corrupted by no attraction of shows, no enticement of banquets. Men and women are equally ignorant of the secret of letters (clandestine correspondence). Adultery is very few in so numerous a race, for which the punishment is present and permitted for the husband. The husband drives the nude adulteress with hair cut off out of the house in the presence of relatives and he proceeds to beat her through the village. For there is no pardon for public un-chastity: she will find a husband not by means of looks, not by means of age, not by means of wealth. For no one laughs at vice here, nor is to corrupt and be corrupted called the spirit of the times.

Germania XXI

It is more necessary to thus take up enmity either of the father or relatives than to take up friendship. Nor do they remain implacable: Even homicide is pardoned by a certain number of cattle and sheep and the whole household receives satisfaction, more useful for the public, because feuds are more dangerous to enemies joined to freedom.

No other race indulges entertainment of strangers more effusively. It is considered a sin to hinder any mortal from your roof; according to his means each receives his guests with well appointed tables. When they are ended, he who was now the host, is now a guide to hospitality and companion; They go uninvited to neighboring houses. Nor does it matter: They are accepted with equal courtesy. No one discerns known and unknown for the purpose of the right of hospitality. To him departing, if he demands something, it is of custom to concede; there is the same facility for the asking. They delight in gifts, but neither expect nor are obligated by

Germania XXII

Immediately from sleep, which they drag out for a large part of the day, they are washed more often warm (referring to temperature of water), as among those winter occupies most. Having been washed, they take food: separate seats for individuals and for each his own table. Then they proceed armed to business no less often than to banquets. It is a problem for no one to continue day and night by drinking. Frequent fights, as amongst those intoxicated, are brought to an end rarely by argument, more often by slaughter and wounds. But they consult in their banquets about reconciling enemies in turn and joining alliances and admitting chiefs, finally about peace and ware and much, on the grounds that at no better time is the mind open to simple minded thoughts or inflamed for the purpose of great things. A race neither astute nor cunning still opens the secrets of their heart in the freedom of festivity; therefore, the mind of everyone is open and uncovered. On the following day it is reconsidered, and the rational of both times is sound: they deliberate, while they do not know to pretend, they decide, while they are not able to err.

Germania XXIII

A liquor for drinking is from barley or grain, having been fermented into a certain likeness to wine: Those nearest also trade for wine. Simple foods, wild fruit, fresh game, or curdled milk. Without elegance, without spices they drive out hunger. Against thirst, there is not the same temperance. If one would indulge those drunk supplying as much as they desire, they are overcome scarcely less easily by their own vices than by arms.

Germania XXIV (was absent due to illness; majority of translation thanks to a kind fellow Latin scholar =D  gratias tibi ago)

One same type of spectacle is in every assembly. Nude youths, for whom it is a game, throw among themselves in dance hostile swords and spears. Practice prepares skill, skill provides grace, not however for profit or pay: however reckless a pastime, the reward is the pleasure of those watching. They play of dice, sober, a matter of surprise, among serious pursuits. With great boldness of gain or loss that when they had lost everything they wager about their freedom and their equality on a final decisive throw. The one defeated goes into voluntary servitude. Although he is younger, stronger, he permits himself to be bound and sold. That is their stubbornness in this depraved practice; they themselves call it honor. They hand over the slaves of this condition through commerce, so that they absolve themselves also from the shame of victory

Yeah... due to AP tests and stuff... ehem, I skipped a ton, but :-) yeah

Germania XXXVII (Thank you, two Latin scholars, who provided me with the first half of this after my having been absent)

The Cimbri hold the same bend of Germany nearest to the ocean, now small states, but great in fame, and widespread traces of old glory remain. On both sides of the riverbank, space is occupied by their camps, by whose circuit even now one might measure the magnitude of their forces and the credibility of their so great departure. Our city was built in its 641st year when first the weapons of the Cimbri had been heard in the consulships of Caecilius Metellus and Papirius Carbonis from which if we count to the second consulship of the emperor Traian nearly 210 years are collected. For so long Germany is being conquered. In the midst of a period of time so long, there have been many disasters for both in turn.
Not the Samnis, not the Carthiginians, not the spanish or the galls, not even the parthians have warned us more often; Indeed, the freedom of the Germans is keener than Persian despotism. For what else does the East throw at us other than the slaughter of Crassus, and with itself having lost Pacorus, crushed under Ventidius? But the Germans in Carbonus and Cassius and Scaurus Aurelius and Servilius Caepio and Gnaeus Mallus either humiliated or captured, took away at the same time 5 consular armies from the Roman people and they even took Varus and his 3 legions of Caesar with him; Not unscathed C. Marius in Italy, the divine Julius in the Galls, Drusus and Nero and Germanicus defeated them in their own territories. Soon the great threat of Gaius Caesar turned into derision. From there leisure, until in the occasion of our discord and civil war with the winter quarters of our legions having been assaulted, they even aimed at the Galls; and in turn repulsed back there in more recent times there are triumphs more than victories.

Germania XL

Facing the Langobardos their paucity is known: With many and very strong tribes joined not through obedience but though battles and are safe by facing danger. Finally, the Reudigni and the Aviones and the Anglii and the Varini and the Eudoses and the Suardones and Nuithones are defended by either rivers or forests. Nor is there anything notable about them individually, except in general they worship Nerthus, that is the earth mother, and they believe she intervenes in the affairs of men and that she is carried among the people. There is a sacred grove on an island in the ocean, and a consecrated chariot on it, covered with a cloth. Permitted to a single priest to touch. He understands that the goddess is present in the sacred recess and he follows her with much veneration, yoked to female cows. Then, the days are joyful, places are festive, wherever she goes, she is welcomed with hospitality. They don’t go into wars, don’t take up arms; all iron is shut away; Peace and quiet only now are known, only now are they loved, until the same priest returns the goddess, satiated with the contact of mortals, to the temple. Soon, the wagon and the covering, and, if you wish to believe is, the goddess herself is purified in a secret lake. Slaves do the work whom the same lake immediately swallows up. Hence, the obscure terror and the sacred ignorance, what that is, which only those about to parish see.

Germania XLIII

Moreover, the Harii beyond their strength, in which they surpass peoples enumerated a little bit before, savage instinctive, wild they are aided by cunning and by opportunity. They have black shields and tainted bodies; they choose dark nights for battles and by the very terror-inspiring and shadowy aspect of their death-like army they strike fear. With no resisting for the enemy, a strange and almost death-like appearance. For their eyes are first defeated in all battles.
Beyond the Lugi, the Gotones are ruled by kings, now a bit more strictly than the other tribes of the Germans, however not yet beyond freedom. Further on, then from the ocean are the Rugii and Lemovii; and the insignia of all these tribes is a round shield. Short swords and submission toward kings.

Germania XLVI (fini)

Nor is there any shelter for infants of (from) wild beasts and weather other than that which they assemble in some collection of branches. Young men return here, this is the refuge of old men. But they consider it happier than to groan in the fields, to labor in houses and to turn their own and others’ fortunes between hope and fear. Secure against men, indifferent toward gods, they have obtained a most difficult thing and for them there is not even need for a prayer: now, the rest is stories. I shall leave in the middle because it is incomplete, the Hellusios and Oxioni with faces and expressions of men and wear the bodies and limbs of beasts.

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